Do not sell my personal information

Your rights under the California Consumer Privacy Act

The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) provides you with rights regarding how your data or personal information is treated. Under the legislation, California residents can choose to opt out of the “sale” of their personal information to third parties. Based on the CCPA definition, “sale” refers to data collection for the purpose of creating advertising and other communications. Learn more about CCPA and your privacy rights.

How to opt out

By clicking on the link below, we will no longer collect or sell your personal information. This applies to both third-parties and the data we collect to help personalize your experience on our website or through other communications. For more information, view our privacy policy.

A Magnolia Pearl Collection Box is an assortment of clothing personalized by your MP Maestro. It is shipped to your home for free to preview before purchasing.

At the frequency of your choosing, you will receive a mix of brand-new release items and rare, older pieces selected by your MP Maestro with your particular style in mind.

Collection Boxes will contain anywhere from 3 to 10 individual pieces.

The service itself and shipping (both ways) are completely free. Your first box is sent once a valid method of payment is approved. After that, you are only charged for the pieces you fall in love with and purchase. All other items can be returned with the prepaid
UPS return label included in the box.

You have three business days to decide on your purchase items. Any pieces you opt not to keep shall be returned within three business days of receipt in the original shipping box with a prepaid return label included - only then will your total be finalized to process payment.

Unfortunately, due to taxation and duties, we cannot offer our Collection Box service outside of the USA. International MP collectors are encouraged to contact an MP Maestro for a personalized shopping experience!

Do you have an MP Maestro?

Maestro = an artisan who embodies the mastery of their craft.
Magnolia Pearl Maestros are conductors of personal relationship synched with style - trained ears and sharp eyes with beating hearts who understand the vitality of artful expression through clothing. They are collaborators in your vision and confidantes in your evolution.

If you would like to begin a relationship with an MP Maestro, at whatever level of interaction you prefer,
please reach out here. We would be honored to help you tell your story.
